We Are A Not For Profit Organization
(A Section 8 Company)
I have never thought of anything else from writing and reading because that has become my life but the fear of not evolving and the enthusiasm of creating a creative life for me has pushed me to do something good, something creative and I’ve initiated this incentive under the shadow of “Bodhishala”.
Dear Friends, you must be giving stress on your minds that why choose only Bodhishala? So let me put it in front of you that my thoughts for Bodhishala are like the open sky. it got carved into my mind and created a space in my heart through the inspiration of the biography of Lord Buddha, so I decided to name my workshop as Bodhishala.
There are two main objectives of my contribution into this workshop, First being Education and Second is our Environment. Understanding of education will make people aware and create a human race of people with awareness, efficiency, technical knowledge and all other similar things. It will help them to bring changes in their life.

People Impacted
Bodhishala Nostalgic Moments
Pathankot- Rag Pickers School
Although Rag Pickers help our neighborhood to keep Clean unfortunately they suffer due to social apathy , their kids remain devoid of even basic education , At a Pathankot (Punjab) school dedicated for these underprivileged bright kids we recently organized a WATER CONSERVATION AWARENESS EVENT.
PLOGGING DAY 2nd Oct 2019
A tribute to Father of our nation on his birth anniversary ,organized PLOGGING ( Plucking Plastic + Jogging) on streets along with Primary School Kids at Ghaziabd (UP)

A special session for Senior Officials & Sanitation Staff of North Delhi Municipal Corporation about Abolition of Manual Scavenging & Mechanized Cleaning
बोधिशाला –सभी जाग्रत हों
बोधिशाला दो शब्दों के जोड़ से बना है बोधि+शाला अर्थात गौतमबुद्ध की शिक्षाओं का अनुसरण करते हुए कार्य करना। गौतमबुद्ध ने विश्वकल्यान और मैत्री भावना को बल दिया था… उन के आर्य सत्य चार हैं। * दुख * समुदाय * निरोध * मार्ग बोधिशाला का उद्देश्य भी इन्हीं चार आर्य सत्य का पालन करते हुए समाज, विश्व और प्रकृति की सेवा करना है “एक जलते हुए दीपक से हज़ारों दीपक रौशन किये जा सकते हैं फिर भी उस दीपक की रौशनी कम नहीं होती, उसी तरह खुशियाँ बाँटने से बढ़ती हैं कम नहीं होतीं ‘ आइए हम सब मिलकर रोते चेहरों को हंसाने की, इस धरा को हरा-भरा करने की जल को बचाने की इक छोटी सी शुरूआत करें….

और भी हैं राहें
वर्तमान सामाजिक ,आर्थिक और मानवीय परिवर्तनों ने हमे ये मानने पर विवश किया है के
- मानव जाती प्रकृति का मात्र एक अंग है
- प्रकृति के नियम मानना अनिवार्य है
- प्रकृति मे खुद को सामान्य बनाने की अपार शक्ति है वो भी हमारी किसी सहायता के बिना

Our Vision
To be a benchmark in Aatmnirbhar Bharat program by inculcating Enterprising Skills among Youths
- Skill and knowledge are the driving force of Economic Growth and Social Development for any country.
- Work as a catalyst to create an framework for skill development which provides opportunity for life long learning
- Build Capacity for skill development in Un-Organised sector and provide pathways for Re-Skilling and Up-Skilling among people.
- Propagate inspirational values of skilling among youth by creating social awareness on value of skill training.
Our Mission
To mobilize , register ,train/up skill 10,000 people from marginalized community and help them become SELF RELIANT by 2025 while accomplishing defined objectives .
- To work towards the Promotion of the aim and objectives of Aatmnirbhar Bharat Mission and its system for the development of the society towards self- reliance.
- To deploy best possible methodology and Technology for achieving self-sustainability and self- Reliance.

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